
debut album
is finally here


Robbie Miller

Photo – Justin Ma


After 3 years of hard-work and writing, we are now seeing Robbie Miller release his debut album ‘Little Love’ in February 2021 alongside his single featuring ‘Charlie Orange’. The first track and title track of the album were written in the foothills of Northern NSW at Rainbow Valley with Matt Corby and Alex Henrikksson. So far 7 tracks off the new album have been released including – ‘Show Your Skin’, ‘The Come Down’ ft Greta Stanley, ‘Bitterness’, ‘On The Run’ ‘Two People’, ‘I Heard You Say’ and now ‘Charlie Orange’ which have garnered rave reviews, international label releases, strong radio play and have cumulatively reached over 5 million streams.

Robbie on making the album:
“There is truth in every lyric, meaning behind every melody, feeling in every hum. Little Love is an album that wraps itself around my life for the last 3 years. There is an honesty in the album that I never truly sang or wrote about until this album. Giving myself up in a way that has always terrified me. There were truths I had to confront and lessons that needed to be learnt. I had to own who I was but most importantly own who I wasn’t and truthfully, at times that hurt.”

Charlie Orange Quote:
“Relationships can be tricky, early in a relationship is the most. You have to wade through everything that comes with the person. Understand what makes them who they are. Finding that slipstream in life together. Then you take that next step. You get a dog called Charlie.”


Robbie Miller

Track List: 

Two People
Charlie Orange
Show Your Skin
On The Run
The Come Down ft Greta Stanley
Catch Me
I Heard You Say
Dream Over
Little Love

Song Bio’s 

Song Lyrics 

Song Credits



About Robbie:

If there is one enduring, almost mythical, storyline in music it’s the ‘bedroom to big stage’ success story, a story that Brisbane’s Robbie Miller has been living. In 2013, Robbie was working on his music largely in isolation. He recorded some songs in his bedroom, uploaded them to Triple J Unearthed, and landed himself the Triple J Unearthed National Indigenous Music Award (NIMA) for best new Indigenous talent. 

Since the NIMAs win – Robbie has released two EPs The Faster The Blood Slows (2015) and Closer To Home (2016). He has garnered strong support from Triple J and Double J, toured with Josh Pyke, Dustin Tebbutt and recently The Rubens, played major festivals around the country and won an APRA Music Award for his song The Pain which was named the Blues and Roots Song of The Year.


Robbie Miller


