Top 5 Tips

for people starting off

in the music industry






Sarah Belkner’s
Top 5 Tips
for people starting out
in the music industry:


1. Be nice & be kind. Always. 
Everyone is in it together and you don’t deserve things more than the band or artist or player or whatever that seems to be doing what you want to be doing or the person doing the door at your gig. There’s room for everyone you just have to find your own little (or big) space in it all.

2. Be on time. 
(and if you aren’t (I’m not perfect!) Message as soon as you know you are going to be late with an exact time you are going to be there. Don’t lie, it makes it worse)
If you want to be a touring musician or work in bands etc, you have to be reliable and it helps you get the gig.

3. Give compliments, thank-you’s and ask questions just like you would like. 
Every musician or person that has ever existed loves a compliment. It’s also great to acknowledge how awesome it is that we get to witness amazing things in what we do.
I swear 60% of why I get asked back is because of these things above.

4. If people don’t reply to you it is not that they hate you or your music. 
And even if it is it does mean that, it doesn’t matter,  they are not the person for you. 
Chase things up but don’t get desperate (I speak from experience here!)
The people who you want to work on your music are those that are enthusiastic and passionate about what you do, which leads me to…

5. Relationships in the music biz sometimes take time. 
This has helped me so much, I used to feel very panicky meeting people like it needed to be a big turning moment all the time otherwise it would all just FAIL.
When you meet someone and especially if they are someone you look up to or feel like you want to work with, just meet them. 
You don’t have to have some big exchange or work with them straight away and you never know when you might end up doing something with them, it’s all twisty and wonderful and there are some great surprises if you just let it unfold sometimes.




reveals enticing new single



SARAH BELKNER returns in 2019 with the release of her jungle tinged alternate-pop creation of savage beauty “Animals”, out May 10th. In this indie-pop croon about  primal full-blown love being taken on by the  practicalities of life, BELKNER’s signature melting vocals carry ethereally over an addictive beat.

The track was officially launched alongside Brendan Maclean’s new album, on Saturday 11th May at the Red Rattler, and Thursday 16th May at the Gasometer in Melbourne (tickets available here).



Unsurprisingly BELKNER’s new songs mostly  came from sitting on aeroplanes, in tour vans and hotel rooms. Developed lyric-first, BELKNER said about the tracks, “They came from moving, thinking, writing and capturing all the insights and musings along the way, observing many different creatives (and creativity in general) and then realising in more universal terms that creativity means ‘passion’.  Finding it, working with it and trying to nurture and hold onto it.”

SARAH BELKNER is a strange and persistent musical beast. There is nothing about her career that ticks any sort of industry ‘how to’ boxes, and yet as she approaches her second album we see a creative in her 30’s building her very own little localised musical empire one brick at a time.

Throughout her career BELKNER has been in hot demand for her vocal ability and skills as a keyboardist, arranger, producer, writer and touring musician playing with Australian national treasures including Sarah Blasko, OLYMPIA, Missy Higgins, Abby Dobson, Brendan Maclean, and most recently the enigmatic Tim Minchin.

Her debut album ‘But You Are, But It Has’, released in 2017, was Double J album of the week and found it’s way into the hearts of fans and critics for its subtle quirk and shimmering arrangements. At the heart of everything is always BELKNER‘s voice. A voice that is both soothing and powerful at the same time. This coupled with existential lyrics, musicality and passionate geekiness for the musical process is what makes her, her.

BELKNER has been in the producer’s seat for many local artists including Julia Johnson, Jack Colwell & Rosie Catalano. Most recently she produced and co-wrote her first full length album for another artist, Brendan Maclean’s ‘chic & bleak’, emotionally charged dance record ‘And The Boyfriends’ which charted at #2 on the Australian iTunes chart and #9 on the AIR chart.


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