
Triple J


triple j’s Requestival 2021:
the biggest reactions,
trends and takeaways



triple j’s Requestival has come and gone for another year! As the dust settles on the chaos of last week, we take our hats off to triple j listeners and their brilliantly cooked collection of requests.

You heard everything from a Medieval cover of Shakira’s ‘Hips Don’t Lie’, to your favourite throwback TV theme songs and Julia Gillard’s Misogyny speech played out in full.

With more than 80,000 requests coming through via the triple j app, and plenty on the text line, we saw triple j listeners be weird, wonderful, nostalgic, unpredictable, and downright hilarious.

triple j Content Director Laura McAuliffe says: “Round two of Requestival confirmed that triple j listeners will choose chaos every time and we’re absolutely here for it. We’ve loved seeing the audience up the ante this year, but what was most rewarding was hearing about the pure and personal attachments our listeners have to the songs they love. We’re already excited about the next round.”

You could have spent the week listening to a chaotic playlist of songs, but then you wouldn’t get to hear moving stories like these ones.

For those of you who love a stat breakdown, we had over 598k song reactions via the triple j app during the week. But which songs really got the audience to smash those thumbs up / thumbs down / heart-eyes / vomit emojis?

These were the top five most reacted-to songs:

Ludacris ‘Act A Fool’: 66% Loved, 34% Didn’t Love

Nickelback ‘How You Remind Me’: 69% Loved, 31% Didn’t Love

Iron Butterfly ‘In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida’: 43% Loved, 57% Didn’t Love

Rick Astley ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’: 58% Loved, 42% Didn’t Love

Leviathan JPTV ‘Chug Jug With You (Number One Victory Royale)’: 32% Loved, 68% Didn’t Love


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