


Release new track + video
‘We All Deserve To Be Slaves’

New album out
July 19th

‘We All Deserve To Be Slaves’ video: HERE
Stream: HERE
Pre-order: HERE
‘Die For Us’ album released via Direct Merch




Australian death metal trio WEREWOLVES formed in 2019 with the express purpose of releasing ten albums in ten years. 2024 sees them hit the halfway mark with ‘Die For Us’, yet another barrage of completely moronic death metal due out on July 19th.

The latest wilful act and video ‘We All Deserve To Be Slaves’ was filmed during the Tech Trek 2023 Australian Tour with ARCHSPIRE and INGESTED at The Corner Hotel in Melbourne, in front of an impatient and unwilling live crowd who were there to see the internationals and not some middle-aged local men screaming abuse at them. “We get enough of that at home” said one disgruntled and completely fictitious punter.



WEREWOLVES frontman Sam Bean stated, “You can all get fucked. This song is about how tired we are with shitheads who think they know shit about shit.” He continues, “OK this track is about how people willing submit themselves to slavery, their desire for demagogues, how our history is brief starry moments of freedom before people throw it all away for some magic beans offered by fat voracious sociopaths busily munching on the carcass of the last idiot to do business with them.” He finishes with, “Eat our shit”.

‘Die For Us’ ticks every box for modern death metal, with excruciatingly violent blasting straight out the gates and very little let-up until the bitter end. The title track is an anthemic call to self-annihilation, ‘Beaten Back To Life’ castigates everyone with the temerity to have started listening to metal after 1992. ‘Fuck You Got Mine’ is a hymn to the joys of being a slumlord. ‘My Hate is Strong’ is pure visceral evil and features vocal contributions by Australian national treasure ROK from SADISTIK EXEKUTION. ‘Spittle-Flecked Rant’ flirts with d-beats and hardcore while imploring the world to be even worse, and ‘Under A Urinal Moon’ is a wave of blackened darkness piss.




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