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Interview with Dylan Ollivierre from The Money War

Perth band The Money War have just released their self-titled debut EP and we spoke to Dylan Ollivierre about meeting their idols in L.A., almost being robbed in Skid Row and where their name came from.

The Money War

The Money War started while driving across the US. Can you tell us a little bit about that and where the inspirations came from?

So we flew into L.A. and basically did a road trip. One of the things we always wanted to do was to drive up the coast to San Francisco along Highway 1 which is this awesome, winding road.

I guess a lot of the songs are influenced by the drive and by the music that we were listening to. A lot of the inspiration was what we saw on the way and had some crazy experiences meeting some of our idols.

We met this guy, Arne Frager who is a bit of a hero. We met him at a bar and he took us around to his studio and he’s recorded all sorts of people from Fleetwood Mac to The Eagles and Prince, like crazy kind of stuff. He was really cool.

But then also, we had these experiences, like we got lost and ended up in Skid Row which is like the homeless population of L.A and we almost got mugged and just stuff like that. It was just a weird and intense time so I guess that’s what was probably inspiring it.

Where does the name The Money War come from?

We felt that it represented the theme of what the songs are about on this EP which is the personal struggle with money; about having enough money to buy a house, have a career, have kids and all that while at the same time balancing your passion which I think applies to everybody.

It wasn’t necessarily meant to be political but at the same time, if I think of my view on the world right now, the money war theme kind of encapsulates that in a way.

You have just recorded your debut EP. How did the recording go and are you happy with how it sounds?

We recorded it all ourselves. I produce music for my job as well so we recorded it all ourselves and then mixed it. I am happy, coming out the other end which is surprising that I still like it because we were so involved and it was such a long process where we definitely lost perspective at times.

I feel like we have come out the other end and I am still happy with it. It’s a relief to have come out the other end and hear it and go ‘I still feel connected to this.’

After the process, there are times that you feel that that’s not you any more.

In your different incarnations, you have played on some pretty big festivals. What was your favourite festival and why?

I guess, The Money War played Southbound and so did Rainy Day Women which was a personal connection there as I used to go to that festival and camp and always wanted to play it.

So then to play it and have that experience was really cool and then to be able to do it again with another band was even cooler so yeah, probably Southbound.

If you could play any festival in the world, which one would you choose?

Oh wow, maybe like Glastonbury or Lollapalooza just purely because the line ups are just, like there is guaranteed to be a few bands each time that you go ‘OMG wow! I never thought I’d see this band play.’

They would be good to even just to go to

Yeah exactly – just a dream to attend but to play it! It would be absolutely amazing

Do you think Rainy Day Women will ever reform?

No probably not. It’s like, with Rainy Day, it was still kind of my band, I was the creative force behind it so this, in a way, is an extension of that but in a more, I don’t know. If enough people wanted us to, maybe we would at some point but one of the guys lives in Germany and ones lives in Sydney so it’s unlikely.

Since you first started out, you would have seen a lot of changes in the Perth scene. What are the most positive changes that you have seen?

It’s been cool that Badlands has opened and places like Jack Rabbit Slims. There have been a couple of key venues that have been helping support the arts.

In terms of other positivity, it feels a little bit more supportive. Because I had a break between Rainy Day and this, it feels like the bands have each others back a bit more. It’s less of the tall poppy thing and feels like a cool little scene at the moment. Everyone’s supportive and happy for everyone who’s doing good things.

And what changes have been the most negative?

I guess by the same token, a lot of venues that have closed that were great. Negative, I don’t know hey. That’s a tricky question. Haven’t really thought about that. I guess, just a lot of venues that are struggling to keep their doors open.

What has been one of your most life-changing moments?

It was probably the trip to the US actually because before that, I wasn’t really sure, like I always knew I would be playing music, but whether I wanted to pursue it as a career and that trip affirmed that and re-set me and reinvigorated me and I came back kind of feeling that this was what I was meant to be doing.

If you couldn’t be a musician any more, what career would you choose?

It would definitely be something to do with helping the creative process for someone if it wasn’t myself because I think it’s so important in people’s lives whether they realise it or not.

The creative part of the consumer or the creative part of the artist is integral.

Who are your biggest influences?

I listen to a lot of soul music but also lots of newer stuff like Bon Iver, Alabama Shakes, The War on Drugs and then non musical stuff like lots of good films and going to the beach and stuff like that.

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The Money War

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