Project Description


+ Ro

The Corner Hotel


(Live Review)

Reviewer: Kelsey Hentschel

Photographer: Brittany Long


G FLIP // Photo – Brittany Long

Check out the full Gallery HERE



You know when you catch something right before it’s cool? The thing that you tell your mates about and they ignore you, but then come back telling you about it later as if you weren’t the one that introduced it to them in the first place? G Flip’s gig at The Corner was the physical embodiment of that feeling.

G Flip (Georgia Flipo) first made herself known through triple j Unearthed, blowing up with her first track ‘About You’. A song that personifies her trusty drum kit one that caught the hearts of thousands — one that launched her onto the SXSW stage in June last year. 

G Flip skipped onto the stage, making a bee-line straight to the drums. Playing to an array of classic hits such as The Merrymen – Feeling Hot Hot Hot. Straight off the bat I was blown away by G’s talents. She had yet to open her mouth & I couldn’t close mine! The first song was her hit single ‘Killing My Time’, which had the room screaming along every word. We were only one song in but everyone was so hyped you’d think it was the end of the set.


G FLIP // Photo – Brittany Long


Georgia was so charismatic, making jokes & interacting with the crowd from the jump. She was very excited to be playing The Corner. “This is so sick! This is my hometown show! Ive spent my life coming to shows here. It’s a dream come true. I never thought I’d be playing here.” She continued on to share how her dad used to work at the venue bar. “Feel free to get behind the bar and sling some beers dad. If you want!”

A very self-aware G Flip made jokes about how the set was filled with unreleased tracks such as ‘Real Life’ and ‘Waking Up Tomorrow’, though the crowd wasn’t familiar with these songs it didn’t stop people from having a dance.

Newly released track ‘I Am Not Afraid’. Was definitely a crowd pleaser. This track saw the audience belting out the phrase “I am not afraid to do this alone I know that it scares you but I am my own home” over and over. It was somewhat therapeutic.

The set continued with more unreleased songs. ‘Stupid’ and heartbreak anthem ‘Morning’ delivered with an emotional intensity that grounded her entire set. Before performing ‘Stupid’, G Flip dedicated it to anyone who’s ever been in one of those on-again off-again relationships. “You’re this way, then you’re that way, then you’re this way, then you’re a hexagon”.


G FLIP // Photo – Brittany Long


Having so many unreleased songs on the set list we were treated to a cover of an all-to-familiar hit, ‘Proud Mary’. G took to the drums for this track, playing incredibly vigorously while vocally hitting every note. It was nothing short of amazing!

‘Drink Too Much’ lifted the collective spirits after G performed her “most personal song”, ‘Bring Me Home’. Gearing up with a headset mic for ‘Drink Too Much’ Georgia pointed out that she’d always wanted to wear one for fulfil her “Hi-5 Fantasies”. This one was complete with choreographed moves in sync with her band. By far my favourite of the night.

The gorgeous G Flip wrapped up her set with her hit song which started it all… ‘About You’. If you just sat in for the last song you wouldn’t expect this calibre of stage presence and crowd reaction from someone with only a few releases. Once she wrapped up her set, people flooded straight to the merchandise table to get their hands on some branded goodies, myself included! 

In all honesty, I couldn’t ask for a better way to spend my Wednesday night.


G FLIP with myself & some friends after the show // Photo – Brittany Long


Check out Brittany Long’s gallery of the show here

Connect with G FLIP

@ OneBigLink


