Project Description


Top 5 Photos Of The Week

Week 17

Checkout earlier weeks results below.

By Dave Bruce, CEO


Just as it sounds, we thought it was time to start highlighting some of the great work done by our Amnplify Photographers each week. Every week, photos will be submitted, a “Top 5” will be selected and voted on, and one photo will be given the title of our “Photo Of The Week”. Just a little recognition for a photographer who has a goal to shoot impeccably.

The truth is we have thousands of photos posted each month and most of our photographers should get an award for their work. Live Music Photography is a skill like no other. Whether you are squashed into a pit or roaming through the crowd for “The Shot”, the photographer usually has little time and on many occasions poor light to deal with, not to mention the usually “charged” crowd taking every “perfect” spot. In my eyes, they are experts in their field and often unseen and unheard. Over time, we want to change that a little.

Enjoy the photos, and checkout more of their work.



Kerrie Geier

Kerrie Geier

I am a live music photographer based in Adelaide. I have always been that person who takes a camera with them to gigs, as far back as I can remember. Over the years that progressed from a point and shoot, to an slr and then when I got my first dslr I started signing up to shoot for a few websites, that was 10 years ago!

ABOUT THE SHOT: Shooting this gig was wonderful as I was sharing the pit with loads of my fave female photographers! This shot in particular was in the last of our three songs when this gorgeous lighting appeared behind Xavier. It was all about finding the perfect angle to shoot from!

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Xavier Rudd

PHOTO 1 – (The Winner)

Xavier Rudd event gallery including this image HERE



Paul Tadday

Paul Tadday

Music has always been an important part of my life. Before I was 10 years old I was listening to Kiss, The Eagles, The Who, Split Enz and AC/DC… By my late teens my musical journey had landed me on the stage playing the hard rock and metal that I loved so much. Since 2014 my love of music has taken me behind the lens, and now I feel the stage rush from the photo pit instead! Even after shooting 100’s of shows I still get that rush from the energy on the stage and I strive to capture that same energy in my images. The thrill of the chase… there’s nothing better!!

ABOUT THE SHOT: “It was difficult to catch a clear shot of Robert Sweet during Stryper’s recent show in Melbourne. This is due in part to his wild mane of hair, but also the position of the cymbals around him. I was really happy to be able to grab this one, with the “visual timekeeper” bathed in traditional Stryper colours!”

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Stryper event gallery including this image HERE



Taylah Walton

Taylah Walton

I’m 18 and from Melbourne and started my photography career when I was 15. My main passion is shooting heavy music.

ABOUT THE SHOT: “This photo of Silent Planet was taken at the Make The Suffer headliner show at The Corner Hotel. It was a very energetic set which made it a really fun shoot! This was probably the only moment where the singer sat still, which in my opinion isn’t a bad thing!”

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Silent Planet


Silent Planet event gallery including this image HERE



Lauren Connelly

Lauren Connelly

I’ve been shooting gigs for 8 years now, and it was pure fluke that I got into music photography. In that time I’ve shown my work twice in solo exhibitions and have developed a decent portfolio of international, national and local artists. I love to try and capture the emotion of the show and bring the experience to the viewer.

ABOUT THE SHOT: “Courtney Barnett is always a really fun shoot and even though the lighting was very challenging this time around, the light blue contrast on the red light background helped give the shot the detail and drama Courtney exudes on stage.”

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Courtney Barnett


Courtney Barnett event gallery including this image HERE



Kerrie Geier

Kerrie GeierI’m a Sydney based photographer who first started shooting music in 2011.  Since that time,

I am a live music photographer based in Adelaide. I have always been that person who takes a camera with them to gigs, as far back as I can remember. Over the years that progressed from a point and shoot, to an slr and then when I got my first dslr I started signing up to shoot for a few websites, that was 10 years ago!

ABOUT THE SHOT: I had my long lens on when all of a sudden Xavier got up and started walking towards us with his didgeridoo. I bolted to my bag at side of stage, changed to my wide lens and ran back just in time to catch this angle of him with his didgeridoo up in the air!

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Xavier Rudd


Xavier Rudd event gallery including this image HERE


Prior Top 5 Winners

Week 1

Winner – Dan Turner

Runners Up – Albert Lamontagne, Roman Wjtkowski, Stuart Bucknell, Karen Lowe – here


Week 2

Winner – Deb Kloeden

Runners Up – Sofie Marsden, Paul Tadday, Dani Brown, Glen Morgan – here


Week 3

Winner – Paul Tadday

Runners Up – Albert Lamontagne, Ashleigh Apples, Nathan Goldsworthy, John de Haan – here


Week 4

Winner – Bron Caple

Runners Up – Stuart Bucknell, Glen Morgan, Nicky Carrall, Mike Wotton – here


Week 5

Winner – Jess Miller

Runners Up – Paul Tadday, Karen Lowe, Dani Brown, Taylah Walton – here


Week 6

Winner – Nicky Carrall

Runners Up – Glen Morgan, Katherine O’Malley, Jess Neal, Connie Smith – here


Week 7
Winner – Bron Caple

Runners Up – Mike Wotton, Jonty Carlin, Bron Caple and Kerrie Geier – here


Week 8

Winner – Amy Halpin

Runners Up – Anne-Laure Marie (2 spots) and Dan Turner (2 spots) – here


Week 9
Winner – Steven Cook

Runners Up – Anne-Laure, Stuart Bucknell, Allan Allport and Megan Carew – here


Week 10
we took a week off

Week 11
Winner – Rob Rizza


Week 12
Winner – Anne-Laure


Week 13

Winner – Adrian Thomson


Week 14
Machine Head
Winner – Glen Morgan


Week 15

The Preatures 

Winner – John de Haan

Runners Up – Stuart Bucknell, Karen Lowe, Rob Rizza and John de Haan (again) – here


Week 16

Courtney Barnett 

Winner – Lauren Connelly

Runners Up – Stuart Bucknell (twice), Anne-Laure Marie (twice),  – here

