Tour Wrap + 2019 Tour Confirmed


hot dub wine machine



Tour Wine-d Up: The second coming of the Best Chardy Ever is all bottled up.


Swan Valley Wine Machine

Swan Valley Wine Machine by Josh Nico | @lostwithoutactrace


Sneaky Sound System

Sneaky Sound System by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


Wine Machine

.Wine Machine


Videos from the Vines: 
Swan Valley Perth  | Canungra Valley Brisbane | Huon Valley Hobart
Yarra Valley – Melbourne | Hunter Valley – Sydney | Canberra – coming soon


Wine Machine is all bottled up and on the shelf for another year, having recently completed its 2018 sophomore run through Australia’s spectacular wine country. At the tour’s conclusion over 55,000 tickets were sold nationally (the tour achieved 45,000 sales on its maiden voyage in 2017).

In many respects, the venues were the star of the show – the tour commenced in Adelaide’s McLaren Vale in late 2017, at the stunning Serafino Winery, on the fantastic coastal location of the Fleurieu Peninsula – a truly unique region where vines sidle up to the sea. Bands performed on a stage flanked by towering gum trees and encircled by grapevines as far as the eye could see. The next destination was the picture-perfect Oakover Wines in Western Australia’s Swan Valley (for what marked the biggest show of the tour – 15,000). Artists were treated to scenic arrival by helicopter, and Perth revellers partied on the banks of a giant shimmering lake, and a venue alive with wildlife. An VIP platform offered epic 360 degree views of the entire estate, and skies burst with vibrant pink come sundown.


The Kite String Tangle

The Kite String Tangle by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


Wine Machine took a turn for the tropical in Queensland’s Canungra Valley, making its home in an intimate winery encircled by lush rainforest, with river rapids rushing by the stage. In NSW Wine Machine took over the Hope Estate stage in Hunter Valley, a stunning landmark set on 169 hectares of rolling countryside, whose sunken amphiteathre set up provided breathtaking views of the stage and picturesque vineyards for concertgoers. An intimate event in Tasmania’s peaceful Huon Valley, at a picturesque former apple orchard turned vineyard, followed, before the tour headed to Rochford Estate, in the perfectly manicured Yarra Valley region, an ambient location encircled in vineyards dating back to the 1850s, a lakeside stage, mountain ranges in the background, and the greenest pastures of the tour. The tour wrapped in Canberra’s Piallagio Esate, family-run venue replete with provinicial-style garden pavilions and views of Parliament House, on the banks of the Molonglo River.


Wine Machine

.Wine Machine


In 2018 Wine Machine delivered beyond wine and live music to launch an entire suite of bespoke, hand styled experiential offerings – The Cellar Door. Unique in each state, the Cellar Door boasted themed bar lounges – from pop-up Pimms Gardens, to nautical gin bars, Aperol Bars, Frose Parlours, to Prosecco vintage caravan bars, and lounge spaces dressed with French antique furniture. Giant garden games added a sense of play and adventure to each event, while an artisans’ marketplace offering fresh flower crowns, vintage clothing, glitter and face-painting transformed everyday denizens into grapevine gods and goddesses.

Wine Machine’s well-heeled crowd made great use of Wine Machine’s new custom concepts – a series of ‘Grapevine ‘Gram’ settings – custom-created photo opportunity areas including a vine wrapped Wine Swing, giant wine-bottle art sculptures, vineyard walls, and giant golden frames. This year, #winemachine #hotdubwinemachine may have become the most hashtagged festival in Australia.


Wine Machine

.Wine Machine

.Wine Machine

.Wine Machine

.Wine Machine


Wine Machine presented nothing short of an Australian Sound bouquet of acts, a wine-up united by their essential contribution to Australia’s contemporary dance music climate. From seasoned festival veterans Sneaky Sound System, to reigning radio stars The Kite String Tangle, Touch Sensitive, Luke Million and Tom Tilley, to the talented Luen Jacobs, Owl Eyes and Haiku Hands, Wine Machine showcased a full spectrum of talent across the pop, electronic, funk and disco spheres. Rosy-cheeked Wine Machine revellers welcomed the “Glass of 2018” with love, dancing, singalongs, and enthusiasm.


Wine Machine

Tom Tilley by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


Wine Machine

Owl Eyes by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


Wine Machine

Touch Sensitive by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


Each day’s entertainment was capped off with a wildly entertaining headline set from international time-travelling DJ sensation Hot Dub Time Machine – aka Sydney’s Tom Loud, also the festival’s co-founder. Says Loud of the recently wrapped Wine Machine tour:

“I think I enjoyed it even more this year. Everyone on the line-up was a delight to be around, and we all became one big family. We are a tiny independent Aussie festival with a line-up of all-local acts – we set our ticket prices as low as possible, and work as hard as possible, to put on the best day ever…. I’m hugely proud of the whole Wine Machine team for delivering on the vision. I hope it continues to grow and become a permanent part of the Australian musical landscape.”

Wine Machine has confirmed the return of the national Wine Machine tour for the 2018 / 2019 Summer.


Wine Machine

Inflatable Grape Balls in Hunter Valley by Patrick Stevenson | @patstevensonhobo


As the Latin saying goes, In Vino Veritas – in wine there is truth. With the conclusion of 2018 Wine Machine, the nation is now a few (thousand) bottles down… and the praise for Wine Machine has been free-flowing.

“Hot Dub Time Machine is King of two things. Wine regions and winding it back. When you mix the two together, you get all the fun of a wine tour and all the fun of a festival… Wine Machine is a happy medium – and we couldn’t be more stoked this all-Australian mini-festival has come back to bless the country.” – AMNplify

“The stunning grounds featured a sprawling open layout, and was complete with everything from water-dancers floating in plastic balls to barbershop stands for that last-minute trim – a dull moment wasn’t on the cards. The event provided the music goods, too, as music lovers young and old pooled together to enjoy a boogie for the ages…. If the increased scale of this year’s event is anything to go by, this is not the last we’ll see of Hot Dub Wine Machine. ” – The Music

“I hadn’t been to a festival in a vineyard before…It was very relaxed…Picnic blankets were down, gourmet hampers were being nibbled, minted cocktails, bubbles and wine were being sipped upon…. and only one stage where each act performed one after each other…it’s very grown up and civilized!” – Blank Gold Coast

“An awesome festival. Great music, a classy-looking crowd, perfect weather.” – Glam Adelaide

“Another fab year of chardonnay-filled Wine Machine goodness…All-Aussie line ups for minimal $ are life!” – 5 Things We Learnt At Wine Machine, 5Why


From everyone in the Wine Machine team, thanks for helping spread the word along the grapevine, and for your awesome feedback. We appreciate your support.

See you at 2019’s chardy.

-Wine Machine



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