DAVID GUETTA releases hotly-anticipated new hit ‘BABY DON’T HURT ME’ with ANNE-MARIE & COI LERAY – The new hit also includes a songwriting credit from ED SHEERAN

    . DAVID GUETTA releases hotly-anticipated new hit ‘BABY DON’T HURT ME’ with ANNE-MARIE & COI LERAY The new hit also

      WARNER MUSIC AUSTRALIA launches their ‘GOT YA BACK’ charity auction initiative | All proceeds to be donated to SUPPORT ACT

      WARNER MUSIC AUSTRALIA launches their ‘GOT YA BACK’ charity auction initiative All proceeds to be donated to SUPPORT ACT 17 INDIVIDUAL BAGS UP FOR

        WARNER MUSIC GROUP announces virtual Music Festival “PLAYON FEST” | Supporting the COVID-19 fund for the World Health Organisation

        MUSIC IS NOT CANCELLED! WARNER MUSIC GROUP artists and songwriters join together for the first-ever PLAYON FEST, A virtual Music Festival supporting the COVID-19

          Atlantic Records unveils THE GREATEST SHOWMAN – REIMAGINED – The All-Star Companion album out November 16

          Atlantic Records unveils THE GREATEST SHOWMAN – REIMAGINED The All-Star Companion album out November 16 . . . Atlantic Records has announced The Greatest